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      Related announcements: Saudi Arabia

      The ICLG Guide to Patents 2020 has been published and we have provided submissions from our Myanmar, Russia, Thailand

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      21 Oct 2019

      A round up of the rankings Rouse has received this month.

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      26 May 2016

      The 2016 IP stars have been released and we are pleased to announce that we now have top tier rankings in China, Indo

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      20 May 2016

      The IP Stars 2016 patent rankings have been released and we are pleased to announce that we are now ranked for patent

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      01 Mar 2016

      A round up of the awards, rankings and nominations Rouse has received this month.

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      24 Feb 2016

      The IP Stars 2016 trade mark rankings have been released and we are pleased to announce that we now have top tier ran

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      03 Feb 2016

      Rouse has continued to uphold its robust rankings from 2015. 

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      19 Jan 2016