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      Agricultural Technology & Data

      Published on 28 Aug 2020 | 1 minute read

      Assessing a newly developed data sharing platform and its adherence with Chinese data regulations.


      We were asked to assess the legal status of our client’s newly created data sharing platform. The platform had been developed to overcome data transfer barriers created by China’s new Cyber Security Law and data management regulations.

      Our Approach

      As there were significant uncertainties surrounding China’s data regulatory environment, we assessed the technical solution in a number of ways. We examined the laws and regulations in existence and draft; applied our knowledge of likely implementation as well as our understanding of general policy sentiment and direction. Beyond advice on legal adherence, risks and how to mitigate them, we provided recommendations on protocols, such as data ownership and control, which if adopted would better facilitate the data transfer process.

      Value Created

      The client was able to control their exposure to risks in the developing legal landscape, speed-up the development of their data sharing solution and shape a clear way towards launching the service in market.

      30% Complete
      Principal, Rouse Consultancy
      +46 734 304 824
      +46 733 904 945
      Principal, Rouse Consultancy
      +46 734 304 824
      +46 733 904 945