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News & Cases from China: August 2019

Published on 24 Sep 2019 | 3 minute read

“九粮液”“九粮春”侵犯五粮液商标专用权 判赔900万元




Wuliangye Group finally succeeds in trademark infringement action against Binhe Group – damages award of 9 Million Yuan (approx. US$1,250,000).

The Wuliangye Group manufactures a well-known Chinese liquor, sold under the trademark ‘Wuliangye’. In 2013, it brought action against the Binhe Group, alleging that its use of the marks ‘Jiulangye’ and ‘Jiuliangchun’ infringed the registered trademarks ‘Wuliangye and Wuliangchun. After being unsuccessful in Beijing’s First Intermediate Court and again on appeal to the Beijing High Court, it applied to the Supreme Court for a re-trial.  The Supreme Court has found in its favour and awarded damages of 9 million Yuna (approx. US$ 1,250,000).   

The Supreme Court held that the Binhe Group’s marks were deceptively similar to those of the Plaintiff.  The similarity had been highlighted by the Group’s method of using the marks, which revealed an intention to take advantage of the Plaintiff’s goodwill.  Given the popularity of the Wuliangye liquor, members of the public were likely to be misled.


因不正当竞争 天眼查向企查查索赔500万元




Tianyancha bring unfair competition action against Qichacha, claiming compensation of 5 Million Yuan (approx. US$ 735.000)

Both Tianyancha (Beijing Jindi Technology Co., Ltd) and Qichacha (Suzhou Langdong Network Technology Co., Ltd) are large business data service companies.  Tianyancha has brought an unfair competition action against Qichacha, claiming that it has used the widely publicized Tianyancha advertising slogan: ‘search the company, search the boss, search the relationship’, together with an advertising design similar to that used by Tianyancha.  It is claiming damages of 5,204 million Yuan (approx. US$ 735,000)

Judgment is awaited.






Music Copyright Society of China sues Douyu for Copyright Infringement

Feng Timo, the anchor, or presenter, on the Douyu live streaming platform, played the song ’Lover's Heart’ without the permission of the copyright owner.  The Music Copyright Society of China brought a copyright infringement action against the platform operator Wuhan Douyu Network Technology Co., Ltd. in the Beijing Internet Court.  

The Beijing Internet Court held that, even though Douyu had deleted the relevant video when it was made aware that it contained infringing content, the music had been played without permission and there had, therefore, been an infringement of copyright. It ordered the Douyu Company to compensate the Society for economic loss in the sum of 2,000 yuan (approx. US$ 281) and reasonable costs amounting to 3,200 yuan (approx. US$ 451).

Douyu Company refused to accept the first-instance verdict and appealed to the Beijing Intellectual Property Court. The Beijing Intellectual Property Court upheld the original decision.  The Douyu Company had infringed the information network communication right held by the Music Copyright Society.



因被告公司运营的一款名为“乐网” 的软件以“拦截视频广告、APP内置广告”、“能拦截恶意烦人的视频广告和弹窗广告”等宣传口号吸引用户。而用户安装该软件后,可以在安卓端完全跳过深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司(下称“腾讯”)视频App中节目播放前向用户播放的广告,导致腾讯视频会员和广告收费受损。腾讯以不正当竞争为由将其诉至法院,要求被告公司停止侵权并赔偿500万元。820日,杭州互联网法院通报称已受理该案。


Technology giant Tencent brings Unfair Competition action for use of Le Net software to intercept advertisements

The Defendant uses slogans such as ‘blocking video ads, APP built-in ads’; ‘block malicious and annoying video ads and pop-up ads’ to encourage users to use Le Net software. Once the software is installed, it effectively blocks advertisements played on Tencent Video and, as a result, Tencent misses out on revenue from those advertisements.  Tencent has brought an unfair competition action, seeking compensation of 5 million yuan (approx. US$ 700,000). On 20 August, Hangzhou Internet Court accepted the case.

This is not the first dispute that has arisen as a result of the interception of advertisements. Many domestic video websites have initiated similar lawsuits. In 2018, LeTV sued the software operator Huai'an Xiancheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. on the ground that its ’VIP Watching Movies‘ software was blocking video advertisements on its websites.   This was held to constitute unfair competition, and the Court awarded compensation of 200,000 yuan (approx. US$ 28,229.05).

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