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      News & Cases from China: January 2025

      Published on 27 Feb 2025 | 9 minute read

      State Council Information Office Press Conference on Progress of Intellectual Property Rights Work in 2024

      Date: 15 January 2025

      The State Council Information Office indicated in a recent press conference that in 2024 China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) had met all its annual targets. The key data are as follows:

      • A total of 1.045 million invention patents were granted, a 13.5% increase year-on-year. Chinese applicants filed 4,868 international design applications via the Hague Agreement, up 29.5% from the previous year and ranking first globally. By year-end, China's domestic valid invention patents reached 4.756 million, making China the first country to exceed 4 million.
      • Four million, seven hundred and eighty one thousand trademarks were registered, a 9.1% increase year-on-year. The number of valid domestic trademark registrations stood at 47.62 million by year-end. A total of 383,000 trademark review cases and 103,000 objection cases were concluded. Chinese applicants filed 7,039 international trademark registration applications under the Madrid system, up 13.6% year-on-year.
      • Geographical Indications: Geographical indications were recognized in relation to 36 products, 125 geographical indications were approved for registration as collective or certification trademarks, and 8,680 business entities were authorized to use the special mark for geographical indications.
      • Integrated Circuit Layout Design. Eleven thousand integrated circuit layout designs were registered. By year-end, a cumulative total of 83,000 registrations had been issued.
      • Intellectual Property Protection and Exploitation. The intellectual property administrative system handled 72,000 administrative patent infringement cases and guided mediation organizations to accept nearly 140,000 intellectual property disputes for mediation. Patent transfer and licensing filings reached 613,000, up 29.9% year-on-year. The total intellectual property royalties imported and exported nationwide reached RMB 356.41 billion (approx. US$49 billion), a 6.6% increase year-on-year.

      Source: Website of the State Council Information Office

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      • 专利方面,全年共授权发明专利104.5万件,同比增长13.5%;我国申请人通过海牙协定提交外观设计国际申请4868项,同比增长29.5%,跃居全球第一位;截至2024年年底,我国国内发明专利有效量达475.6万件,成为世界上首个突破400万件的国家。
      • 商标方面,全年注册商标478.1万件,同比增长9.1%,截至2024年年底,国内有效商标注册量为4762万件。审结各类商标评审案件38.3万件、异议案件10.3万件。全年收到中国申请人马德里商标国际注册申请7039件,同比增长13.6%;
      • 地理标志方面,全年认定地理标志产品36个,核准地理标志作为集体商标、证明商标注册125件,核准使用地理标志专用标志经营主体8680家;
      • 集成电路布图设计方面,全年集成电路布图设计登记发证1.1万件,截至2024年底,我国集成电路布图设计累计发证8.3万件。
      • 知识产权保护与运用方面,全系统全年共办理专利侵权纠纷行政案件7.2万件,指导知识产权纠纷调解组织受理调解案件近14万件;全年专利转让许可备案次数达到61.3万次,同比增长29.9%;全国知识产权使用费进出口总额达到3564.1亿元,同比增长6.6%。

      资料来源:国务院新闻办网站  2025-01-15



      Changsha Kaifu Court Adjudicates First Case of AI-Generated Pirated Audiovisual Links and Issues Judicial Recommendation on AI-Related Intellectual Property Rights

      Date: 2 January 2025

      In a pioneering case, a Beijing-based information technology company (‘the IT company’), which held the dissemination rights for a specific television drama over information networks, filed a lawsuit against a Beijing-based technology company (‘the AI company’), the developer and operator of an AI product. The IT company discovered that when users entered prompts such as "I want to watch a certain film or TV drama" into the AI product, the product would filter and prioritize links pointing to pirated resource websites. Consequently, the IT company accused the AI company of infringing its right to disseminate information over networks and filed a lawsuit in the Kaifu District Court of Changsha City.

      The Court issued a judicial recommendation to the AI company, requiring it to actively build an intellectual property protection and risk prevention system for generative AI across various aspects, covering data input, content output, and product operation. The Court also mandated the establishment of an effective complaint and reporting mechanism for intellectual property issues to promote the healthy and standardized application of generative AI. The AI company has responded to the judicial recommendation and implemented corrective measures. The case was ultimately concluded with the Plaintiff's withdrawal of the lawsuit.

      This case is the first to deal with the provision of links to pirated audiovisual works via AI products in China. It has been selected as one of the top ten typical cases of optimizing the business environment under the rule of law in Hunan courts in 2024. The Kaifu Court's issuance of the first national judicial recommendation on AI-related intellectual property rights, and the receipt of a satisfactory response by a leading Internet company has significant exemplary value in the context of advancing industry governance in the field of artificial intelligence.

      Source: The Rule of Law Daily

      News link:







      资料来源:法治日报  2025-01-02



      CATL Sues CALB for Infringement of Patent relation to Battery Modules and Covers, Claiming RMB 60 Million and RMB 90 Million Respectively

      Date: 17 January 2025

      On 17 January, CALB Group Co., Ltd. (‘CALB’) announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that it had recently been served with a civil complaint and related litigation materials filed with the Intermediate People's Court of Quanzhou City, Fujian Province. According to the complaint, the Plaintiff, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited (‘CATL’) is claiming intellectual property rights infringement against CALB and other defendants regarding the utility model patent ZL201621122034.9 for battery modules. CATL is demanding that CALB cease the infringement and pay compensation for economic loss of RMB 60 million (approx. US$ 8.7 million) and reasonable expenses of RMB 1 million (approx. USD$145,000). Earlier this year, CATL had already filed an infringement lawsuit with the Intermediate People's Court of Hangzhou against CALB for the infringement of  patent ZL202210514746.9, which related to the top cover assembly and secondary battery invention , claiming a total of RMB 91 million (approx. US$ 13.2 million). Neither of the two cases has been tried in court. CALB stated in the announcement that it has not infringed any patents and that it has filed invalidation requests in relation to the two patents in question with the National Intellectual Property Administration.

      Both CATL and CALB are leading domestic power battery companies, and their patent disputes have a long history. Since 2021, CATL has initiated eight lawsuits against CALB, with claims exceeding RMB 900 million (approx. US$ 130.6 million), involving battery structural design, manufacturing processes, and other aspects. The Supreme People's Court has already concluded two patent lawsuits involving positive electrode sheets and lithium-ion batteries. CATL lost both cases as a result of invalidation of the underlying patents. In other patent infringement cases involving current collector components and batteries, explosion-proof devices, and power battery packaging components, the infringement have been found by first instance courts, but CALB is appealing those decisions. In October 2024, CALB launched a counterattack for the first time, suing CATL and its related companies for infringement of four of their lithium battery patents, with a total claim amount of RMB 1.07 billion (approx. US$ 154.7 million).

      Source: CALB

      News links:




      1月17日,中创新航在港交所公告,公司于近日收到福建省泉州市中级人民法院送达的民事起诉书等相关诉讼材料。根据起诉书,原告宁德时代针对公司及其他被告,就电池模组ZL201621122034.9号实用新型专利提出知识产权侵权索赔,要求中创新航停止侵权,索赔经济损失6000万人民币和合理支出100万人民币。今年早些时候,宁德时代已就二次电池的顶盖组件和二次电池 ZL202210514746.9号发明专利向杭州市中级人民法院提起侵权诉讼,索赔共计9100万人民币。此次提起的两起案件均未开庭审理,中创新航在公告中表示公司不存在侵权行为,已向国知局提起两项涉案专利的无效宣告请求。


      资料来源:中创新航  2025-01-17



      CNIPA and Other Departments Issue and Revise Documents to Improve Intellectual Property Administration

      Date: 2 January 2025

      The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) and other relevant departments have issued and revised a series of documents, including the Administrative Review Procedures of the CNIPA, the Regulations on the Administrative Adjudication and Mediation of Patent Disputes, and the Regulations on Evidence in Trademark Administrative Law Enforcement, to improve the administrative management of intellectual property rights.

      The newly revised Administrative Review Procedures of the CNIPA further expand the scope of cases accepted, adding the right to review actions related to trademark registration applications, protection of geographical indications, and government information disclosure. It also explicitly includes three types of cases,  “administrative inaction,” “on-the-spot administrative penalties,” and “non-disclosure of government information” , within the scope of mandatory pre-review. This means that for these cases, administrative review must be sought before litigation can proceed. In addition, certain procedures have been refined:   patent and trademark agents are permtted to participate in administrative reviews and the “separation of complex and simple cases” in the adjudication model has been strengthened by clarifying the conditions for applying ordinary and simplified procedures.

      The newly promulgated Regulations on the Administrative Adjudication and Mediation of Patent Disputes will come into effect on 1 February 2025. These regulations refine the jurisdiction and escalated handling of patent infringement disputes. They also balance and safeguard the rights of the parties through improvements in the recusal system, compression of procedural time limits, standardization of infringement determination and evidence rules, strengthening of decision enforcement and transparency, and enhancement of information sharing in administrative adjudication.

      The Regulations on Evidence in Trademark Administrative Law Enforcement consist of 24 articles and apply to the collection, review, and determination of evidence by departments responsible for trademark administrative law enforcement during the investigation of trademark violations. The regulations specify the types of evidence admissable in trademark administrative law enforcement, including documentary evidence, physical evidence, audio-visual materials, electronic data, electronic data records, witness statements, statements of the parties, expert opinions, on-site records, and evidence from outside the territory. Specific requirements for obtaining each type of evidence are clarified. The regulations also address the direct recognition of facts, the adoption of evidence from other departments, the effect of evidence acknowledged by one party, the probative force under different circumstances, the review of identification opinions, and the handling of contradictions in the parties' statements.

      Source: CNIPA

      News links:







      资料来源:国家知识产权局  2025-01-02


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