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      Articles tagged as indonesia

      Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia – Data centres drive AI forward

      4 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      25 Jul 2024

      Indonesia: New amendments to IP laws

      3 minute read

      Lisa Yong, Arifia Fajra, Yurio Astary

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      03 Nov 2020

      Talent Shows and copyright infringement in the Philippines

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      06 Aug 2020

      Government compulsory licensing in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      05 Aug 2020

      Courts around the world have been moving to e-filing and, more recently, with the COVID-19 pandemic to e-hearings.

      5 minute read

      Edmund Baranda, Peeraya Thammasujarit, Tania Lovita, Yen Vu

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      10 Jul 2020

      Update on Laos Trade Mark Law

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      06 Jul 2020

      Should Indonesia consider filing software related patents?

      3 minute read

      Lisa Yong, Kin Wah Chow

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      22 Jun 2020

      Indonesia has passed a new law to protect the country’s natural resources from biopiracy.

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      16 Jun 2020

      Singapore Indonesia tax treaty and IP royalties

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      05 Jun 2020

      Patent protection overview in four major ASEAN countries

      8 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      04 Jun 2020

      GIs - the EU v US positions and the SEA battlefield

      2 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      11 May 2020

      Update on Trade Mark prosecution from Indonesia

      2 minute read

      Yurio Astary, Lisa Yong

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      04 May 2020

      As Indonesian Patent owners wait for amendments to the Patent law

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      24 Mar 2020

      Indonesia is becoming more assertive in taking action to cancel applications from applicants or inventors who have ex

      1 minute read

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      12 Mar 2020

      Three major IP issues to when entering the Indonesian market from China

      6 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      27 Feb 2020

      Indonesian digital/ecommerce IP enforcement

      1 minute read

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      26 Feb 2020

      To boost foreign investment, Indonesia plans to pass a new commercial law named Omnibus Law.

      1 minute read

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      19 Feb 2020

      Indonesia to revoke controversial patent working requirements

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      13 Feb 2020

      Data rules in SEA - regional v national

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      10 Feb 2020

      Indonesia ratifies Beijing Treaty and Marrakech Treaty

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      07 Feb 2020

      Major Southeast Asian piracy site shuts and reopens

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 Jan 2020

      Sanofi's TB patents dispute overflows to Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      29 Jan 2020

      Chelsea FC wins battle with Indonesian registrant

      3 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      22 Jan 2020

      First Customs seizure in Indonesia

      2 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      09 Jan 2020

      Compulsory licensing procedures in Indonesia revised (again)

      10 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      22 Dec 2019

      Singapore refuses protection for Ferrero Rocher shape and packaging

      4 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      18 Dec 2019

      When and how to amend patent claims in Southeast Asia and China?

      1 minute read

      Fabrice Mattei

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      02 Dec 2019

      Thai court crackdown on pirate English Premier League matches

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      01 Dec 2019

      Myanmar trade marks applications will soon start

      5 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      21 Nov 2019

      Creative sector in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      07 Nov 2019

      Patent linkages in Southeast Asia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 Oct 2019

      Indonesia franchise rules improvements

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      24 Oct 2019

      New Indonesian rules on foreign language trade marks cause confusion

      2 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      13 Oct 2019

      Chelsea Football Club forced to defend its brand in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      10 Oct 2019

      Towards Hague design system adoption in Indonesia and Vietnam

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      09 Oct 2019

      Unpaid annuities and impact on new applications

      1 minute read

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      07 Oct 2019

      Pharma boss arrested for allegedly selling 'deadly' counterfeit drugs

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 Sep 2019

      Design validity and infringement claims in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      06 Sep 2019

      Indonesia: Data privacy update

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      14 Aug 2019

      Issues of Patentability, Inventorship and Enforcement

      1 minute read

      Fabrice Mattei, Kin Wah Chow, Yen Vu, Edmund Baranda

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      07 Aug 2019

      Fake Aboriginal artwork from Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      29 Jul 2019

      Biopiracy and research in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      16 Jul 2019

      Is Trump’s trade war coming to Indonesia over IP? (Part 2)

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      08 Jul 2019

      Is Trump’s trade war coming to Indonesia over IP? (Part 1)

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      04 Jul 2019

      Indonesia's Trade Mark Law proves to be Kryptonite to Superman

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 May 2019

      The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      27 May 2019

      Fake medicines are commonplace in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Tania Lovita

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      16 May 2019

      The US government announced its US Special 301 review last week, and perhaps the most interesting question is whether Pr

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      28 Apr 2019

      The US government announced its US Special 301 review last week, and perhaps the most interesting question is whether

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      28 Apr 2019

      Elections in Indonesia, IP and fake ballots?

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      23 Apr 2019

      Indonesia compulsory licensing scare

      2 minute read

      Nick Redfearn, Kin Wah Chow

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      15 Apr 2019

      Indonesia’s online streaming piracy

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      08 Apr 2019

      Madrid Protocol in Indonesia: One year on

      1 minute read

      Lisa Yong, Yurio Astary

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      28 Mar 2019

      Indonesia Madrid trade marks update

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      24 Mar 2019

      Unpaid Patent Annuities: Extension of time to 17 August 2019

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      17 Feb 2019

      Singapore/Battam case transhipment concludes

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      06 Feb 2019

      Compulsory patent licensing in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      03 Feb 2019

      New product labelling rules in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      10 Jan 2019

      Indonesia's patent annuity debt issue rumbles on

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 Sep 2018

      Litigation over the PIERRE CARDIN mark has finally come to a conclusion.

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      19 Sep 2018

      Indonesia's controversial patent implementation rules are enacted

      2 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      31 Jul 2018

      Indonesia's Madrid regulation

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      09 Jul 2018

      Amendments to the Thai Patent Act

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      27 Jun 2018

      Protecting Indonesia from biopiracy

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      19 Jun 2018

      US and EU IP judgements on Southeast Asian countries: Part 3 Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      07 Jun 2018

      Implementing Regulations for IP recordal and seizure passed

      2 minute read

      Lisa Yong, Nick Redfearn

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      15 May 2018

      Local movies and piracy in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      11 May 2018

      ASEAN & Korean IP cooperation

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      30 Mar 2018

      Cambodia: Anti counterfeiting industry activity in Cambodia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      29 Mar 2018

      It’s official! Indonesia is the 100th country accessing the Madrid Protocol

      1 minute read

      Yurio Astary

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      03 Oct 2017

      Protection of traditional knowledge and genetic resources

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      18 Aug 2017

      Not currently enforced

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      14 Aug 2017

      Singapore: Transhipment and illicit goods

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      20 Jun 2017

      Online businesses and tax in Indonesia

      1 minute read

      Nick Redfearn

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      19 Jun 2017

      The regulatory regime in Indonesia is very much a work in progress in terms of reaching the Government’s intended goa

      5 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      12 Jun 2017

      In the third quarter of 2016, the Indonesian Parliament amended the 2008 Electronic Transaction and Information

      3 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      09 Jan 2017

      The new Trade Mark and Geographical Indication Law was passed by Parliament on 27 October 2016 and is expected to com

      3 minute read

      Tania Lovita, Yurio Astary, Lisa Yong

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      31 Oct 2016

      Following a parliamentary committee review of draft legislation circulated earlier this year, the Indonesian Parliame

      5 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow

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      09 Aug 2016

      The Madrid Protocol: Coming soon to Indonesia and Thailand

      2 minute read

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      29 Jul 2016

      Data protection in ASEAN

      1 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow, Nick Redfearn

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      04 Jul 2016

      Indonesia issues long-awaited Regulations on the Recordal of IP Licence Agreements

      1 minute read

      Lisa Yong

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      07 Mar 2016

      Indonesia's draft patent law has been issued for comment. 

      4 minute read

      Kin Wah Chow, Erik Oskarsson

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      08 Jan 2016

      Latest Insights

      How has the first year gone?

      3 minute read

      Torbjörn Presland, Isabel Cantallops Fiol

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      24 Jun 2024

      The win by Lusheng Law Firm on behalf of ENZAFruit is the largest for a civil case

      2 minute read

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      25 Jan 2024

      For those interested in the challenges of protecting IP rights in the evolving digital landscape

      1 minute read

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      25 Jan 2024

      Experienced patent paralegals are in high demand

      3 minute read

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      24 Jan 2024

      In this article we discuss key drivers, pain points and how to address them.

      7 minute read

      Holly White

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      07 Feb 2023

      A Q&A guide answering common questions and concerns of the Data Privacy landscape in various Southeast Asian regions

      4 minute read

      Edmund Baranda

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      11 Nov 2021

      In this report, we summarize the key achievements of the first week and what to expect from the second week.

      1 minute read

      Fabrice Mattei

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      10 Nov 2021

      How to push for their diffusion?

      1 minute read

      Fabrice Mattei, Andrey Cherkasov

      READ MOREss

      05 Nov 2021

      A Q&A guide answering common questions and concerns of the Data Privacy landscape in various Southeast Asian regions

      6 minute read

      Douglas Clark

      READ MOREss

      04 Nov 2021

      The European Commission presented its proposal for a Regulation on harmonized rules for artificial intelligence (AI)

      1 minute read

      Love Fält

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      12 Oct 2021

      A Review of Judicial Practices in Recent Years in China

      10 minute read

      Sophia Hou

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      07 Jul 2021

      Blogs in the Rouse Network

      From the islands of Indonesia, the IP Komodo prowls South East Asia and beyond looking for succulent morsels of intellec

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      Fusce at nisi eget dolor rhoncus facilisis. Mauris ante nisl, consectetur et luctus et, porta ut dolor. Curabitur ultric

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      Proin ac quam et lectus vestibulum blandit. Nunc maximus nibh at placerat tincidunt. Nam sem lacus, ornare non ante sed,

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      Rouse Webinars

      A series of Insights by Rouse Consultancy to help IP managers navigate the immediate disruptions

      Tim Smith, Jeremy Newman

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      China’s Cybersecurity Law and International R&D Collaboration

      Linda Chang

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