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Behdad Assadi

Principal and Patent Attorney


+46 733 811517


Behdad is a Principal and specialises in patenting in the fields of computers, electronics, telecommunications, software, and mechanics. He advises clients on strategic patenting issues and deals with matters relating to all aspects of patent prosecution and enforcement, including pre-patenting investigations, patent drafting, licensing infringement, and validity issues. Behad has experience as a lecturer in the IP field, both for internal training courses and external courses. He is responsible for Valea´s internal processes, systems, and digitalisation with a focus on efficiency and flexibility. Behdad has had his own companies in the IT sector. He started working in IP in 1991.

Behdad's technical areas of knowledge include the following:
Computer Networks, electronics, instrumentation, measurement science, nanotechnology,
physics in general sensors, software/programming, telecom 2G, 2.5G, 3G, 4G, wireless,
Medical devices, Mammography, Medical simulators


  • Authorised Patent Attorney (SE) 
  • M.Sc. Computer engineering, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg