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      Jacqueline Zhao



      +86 21 23568316


      Jacqueline Zhao is a consultant at Lusheng Law Firm.

      Jacqueline advises clients on technology transfer, incorporation and acquisition of China businesses, regulatory requirements for advertising and product packaging and labeling, enforcement of intellectual property rights, plant variety application, copyright prosecution and domain name prosecution and domain name dispute.  She also has extensive experiences in drafting such legal instruments as intellectual property-related agreements like assignment, license and evaluation of IP, commercial agreements like sales, service, non-disclosure and e-commerce agreements, corporate documentation such as equity joint venture contracts and articles of association, employment and corporate administration-related documentation such as employment contracts, premises lease contracts and cease and desist letters to infringers.

      Over the 14-year period working for Rouse and its network law firm, Jacqueline has participated in joint-venture and acquisition projects (e.g. incorporation of a joint venture company invested by an overseas company and a PRC listed company), IP transfer and licensing projects (e.g. purchasing trademarks and copyrights from an overseas company by a domestic Chinese stock company), provided legal services in connection with IP online and offline enforcement (e.g. enforcement of trademark registered in China by an overseas company via domestic e-commerce platforms),  provided retainer legal services (e.g. rendering services to foreign-invested enterprises from employment, advertising compliance, celebrity endorsement and distribution perspectives).


      • PRC Bar
      • Bachelor of Laws, East China University of Political Science and Law
      • WIPO Advanced Course on Copyright and Related Rights